Bøn for nationen er et økumenisk, tværkulturelt initiativ, der samler til bøn for Danmark og for en urolig verden. Store Bededag afholdes der forbønsgudstjeneste i Københavns Domkirke, hvor præster fra folkekirken og internationale kirker beder sammen. En række kirker og kirkelige organisationer støtter op om arrangementet, der planlægges af en bredt sammensat arbejdsgruppe.
Information is also provided in English in this article.

Prayer for the Nation 2022
Friday, 13th May, 14:00 – 15:30
Københavns Domkirke
Nørregade 8
1165 Kbh K
The Danish “Store Bededag” (Big Prayer Day) was founded 27th of March, 1686. Many individual prayer days was assigned a day to pray and acknowledge God for his providence and protection.
The International Pastors in Denmark wanted to keep this tradition of praying on that day for the nation. Thus, Prayer for the Nation (PFN) was founded in the year 2003.
This is a cross denomination, cross cultural initiative, where we gather in Copenhagen to pray and bless Denmark. It is the planning committee’s hope that similar arrangements will happen across the land.
Jeremiah 29:7, “Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.”
3 John 1:2, “Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.
14:00-14:05: Præludium – Mark Bauman, cathedral organist
14:05-14:10: Welcome and opening prayer - Ravi Chandran and Niels Nymann Eriksen
14:10-14:15: Congregational hymn: “Holy, Holy, Holy” Mark Bauman, cathedral organist
14:15-14:20: Introduction: “Why pray?”
Peter Skov-Jakobsen, bishop of Copenhagen
14:20-14:35: 5 people pray for peace:
Peace for the land – Lucas Skræddergaard
Deliverance from fear – Timothy Stewart
Peace for families and youth – Charles Frimpong
Peace for school and work – Palle Flyger
Peace for government and royalty – Jørgen Vium
14:35-14:40: Two songs/Congregational singing:
Leader: Niels Erik Nielsen
- “Praise the Lord” (Psalm 150)
- “Is He worthy?”
14:40-14:52: 4 people pray for wellbeing:
For the nation – Ruben Falk
For families and youth – Tylor Conrad
For churches – Mikael Laursen
For widows, orphans, refugees, and all foreigners – Fayezah Ghahremani Pour, Center Avnrtup
14:52-15:00: Time to light candles in silent prayer
Intro: Birthe Munck-Fairwood
Musical interlude: Mark Bauman, cathedral organist
15:00-15:15: 5 people pray for good health:
Healing for the body – James Commey
Healing for the soul – Matthew Hora
Salvation – Jens Christian Larsen
Healing for social insecurities – Maria Krabbe Hammershøy
Revival for Denmark – Appam Muivah
15:15-15:20: Blessing and closing words
Peter Skov-Jakobsen, bishop of Copenhagen
15:20-15:25: Congregational hymn: “How great Thou art”
Mark Bauman, cathedral organist
15:25-15:30: Closing remarks / Postludium
Ravi Chandran and Niels Nymann Eriksen
Mark Bauman, cathedral organist
Ravi Chandran, pastor, International Christian Community
Niels Nymann Eriksen, pastor, Apostelkirken
Lucas Skræddergaard, netværksmedarbejder, Folkekirkens Migrantsamarbejde
Timothy Stewart, pastor, International Church of Copenhagen
Charles Frimpong, pastor, Fountain Gate Chapel
Palle Flyger, Dansk Europamission
Jørgen Vium, founder, Scandinavian Publishing House
Niels Erik Nielsen, pastor, First International Baptist Church
Ruben Falk, Kirkernes Integrations Tjeneste
Tylor Conrad, assistant pastor, First International Baptist Church
Mikael Laursen, general secretary, Frikirkenet
Fayezah Ghahremani Pour, student/asylum seeker, Avnstrup
Birthe Munck-Fairwood, Tværkulturelt Center
James Commey, pastor, International Harvest Christian Center
Matthew Hora, Mission for Nations Int., Church (Amharic)
Maria Krabbe Hammershøy, general secretary, CARITAS Denmark
Appam Muivah, pastor, Thai Christian Congregation Copenhagen
Uttam Prasad Uprety, pastor, Nepali Apostolic Church
Jens Christian Larsen, pastor, Kingo’s Kirke
Anders Graversen, pastor, Kingo’s Kirke
Per Pedersen, pastor, Kingo’s Kirke
From the Cathedral/Copenhagen Diocese:
Mark Baumann, organist
Peter Skov-Jakobsen, bishop of Copenhagen
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